Ring Ceremony
Most couples choose to exchange wedding rings (although this is not a legal requirement). This tradition of exchanging rings has been around since the earliest of ceremonies. Based on the idea that the ring is a perfect circle with no beginning or end, so is the love of a married couple.
Knot Ceremony
This is a wonderful tradition that started with the deep sea sailors of the 18th Century. They would tie a knot and send to a loved one back home and, depending on how the knot is returned, the sailor would end up filled with great excitement or disappointment.
Wedding Vows
The wonderful part of being married by a Civil Celebrant is that we get to help you write your vows. Of course, there are a few legal lines we must include, but apart from that, you are at liberty to say what you want to your partner. I love when a couple choose to express their love for each other by saying individual vows.
Rose Exchange Ceremony
In the Rose Ceremony, the wedding couple give each other a single red rose. The Rose Ceremony is normally held at the end of the ceremony and gives recognition to the new and most precious relationship. In the old language of flowers, a single red rose always meant “I love you”.
Your Love story
Every couple I meet have their own love story. Although the wedding guests know some of this story, they rarely know it all and I do like to include some of it in the service. This way your wedding is really about you, and after all that is why we are all there. It’s a lovely opportunity for the service to really reflect the couple.
Sand Blending Ceremony
A simple sand ceremony involves a symbolic blending of two different-coloured sands into a single jar or vase. With the clear and simple meaning, the blending of two different people, into a single, inseparable unit that is their marriage — the joining of their lives. If it is a blended family we can add more colours and include the blending of two families into one as well.
Unity Candle Ceremony
Like the sand ceremony, the unity candle symbolising the union of our couple. Two flames, joining to become one. This can be a beautiful process, preferably indoors.
Hand Fastening Ceremony
Originally from the Celts, this service ties the hands of the couple symbolising the two becoming one. It would be nice for one of the mothers to do the wrapping and the other comes and ties. A wonderful way to acknowledge your family and include them in the service. If you prefer I can do the tying or one of the attendants can be involved e.g. Maid of Honour or Best Man.
Jumping the Broom
A clean start! Jumping the broom is a fun way to start as a married couple, originating in Africa and traveling to the USA, it had its origins in the fact that the couple were starting a new life together and acknowledged that they were now in a new household separate and new.
Please note:- Rose Exchange/Sand Blending Ceremony/Unity Candle Ceremony/Hand Fastening Ceremony/Jumping the Broom will incur an additional fee of £50.